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Dutch Microwave Absorber Solutions BV (DMAS)
Industrieweg 12
2382NV Zoeterwoude

Contact Person

Hein de Groot
Phone +31 (0)71 54 17531
Email hein.de.groot@comtest.eu
Website www.comtest.eu

Test Object

Microwave absorber MT45
Batch number: 2608
Q-Id DU 1410-727
Year 2014
Comments Color: grey Manufacturing date: -
Category Wall / Ceiling / Floor

Tests And Results

Subject of Test Parameter Assessment for / Results Documents
(valid to)
Particle emission (VDI 2083 part 9.1) screwed onto an aluminum profile
frequency (sinusoidal oscillation) 50 Hz
oscillation velocity 1,9 mm/s
oscillation acceleration 0,60 mm/s²
oscillation of the system 0,0059 mm
ISO 14644-1 / ISO Class 2 (mit Einschränkung/ with limitation)
US FED 209E / US Class -
/ It must be pointed out, that according to ISO 14644-1 cleanrooms classes 1 to 5 have a high number of filters, which makes the use of absorber elements partly impossible.
/ Surfaces and edges may not become damaged during assembly because this would also have a negative influence on the particle emission behavior of the absorber elements when in later use.
/ Due to the porous surface and type of material utilized, which is only partially resistant to common cleaning agents, the absorber elements can only be cleaned to a limited extent in a cleanroom-suitable manner.
certificate 1 en
statement 1 en