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StoCretec GmbH
Gutenbergstraße 6
65830 Kriftel

Contact Person

Mr. Dr. Michael Kaltenbach
Phone +49-6192401-125
Email m.kaltenbach@stoeu.com
Website https://www.stocretec.de/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkIfFiMql8AIVPBoGAB1vrg_3EAAYASAAEgKMwvD_BwE

Test Object

StoFloor Cleanroom System 7 (StoPox WB 110; StoPox WL 113)
Q-Id ST 1902-1095
Year 2019
Comments manufacturing date: 10/11/201; color: RAL 7032 (StoPox WB 110), RAL 7035 (StoPox WL 113); used material components: StoPox WB 110 comp. A 0020120681, StoPox WB 110 comp. B 9450120360, StoPox WL 113 comp. A 9420120382, StoPox WL 113 comp. B UG16001061
Category Wall / Ceiling / Floor

Tests And Results

Subject of Test Parameter Assessment for / Results Documents
(valid to)
Particle emission (VDI 2083 part 17) reel-on-disc test: vs. PA6
normal force: 300 N
ISO 14644-1 / ISO Class 1
certificate 1 en
QLogo 1 en
QLogo 2 en
statement 1 en
Outgassing (VDI 2083 part 17) Contaminant Category (x) VOC
SER 23 °C [g/m²s] 2.1E-9
SER 90 °C [g/m²s] 3.6E-6
ISO-ACCm Class (x) based on 23 °C / -8.7
certificate 1 en
QLogo 1 en
QLogo 2 en
statement 1 en
Contaminant Category (x) SVOC
SER 23 °C [g/m²s] not detectable
SER 90 °C [g/m²s] 2.1E-6
ISO-ACCm Class (x) based on 23 °C / < -9.6