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eltherm production GmbH
Ernst-Heinkel-Straße 6-10
57299 Burbach

Contact Person

Dr. Steffen Burk
Phone +49 (0) 27 36 / 44 13-8424
Email sburk@eltherm.com
Website www.eltherm.de

Test Object

ELPH-Cleanroom ID 100 mm
manufacturing date: week 41/2022
color: gray
Q-Id EL 2211-1363
Year 2023
Category Heating and Cooling

Tests And Results

Subject of Test Parameter Assessment for / Results Documents
(valid to)
Particel emission (ISO 14644 part 14) Installation position: horizontal
temperature: Aufheizen auf ca. 180 °C
ISO 14644-1 / ISO Class 2
certificate 1 en
certificate 1 de
statement 1 de
statement 1 en
Installation position: horizontal
temperature: Temperatur halten bei ca. 180 °C
ISO 14644-1 / ISO Class 2
Installation position: horizontal
temperature: Abkühlen auf ca. 25 °C
ISO 14644-1 / ISO Class 2
Outgassing (VDI 2083 part 17) temperature VOC °C
SER 23°C 6,9 x 10^-10 g/m²s
SER 180°C 1,0 x10^-7 g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) -9,2
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 180°C) -7,0
certificate 1 en
certificate 1 de
statement 1 de
statement 1 en
temperature SVOC °C
SER 23°C < 1,3 x10^-11 g/m²s
SER 180°C 7,0 x 10^-8 g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) < -10,9
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 180°C) -6,2
temperature Amine °C
SER 23°C < 1,3 x10^-11 g/m²s
SER 180°C < 7,6 x 10^-11 g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) --
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 180°C) --
temperature Organophosphate °C
SER 23°C < 1,3 x10^-11 g/m²s
SER 180°C < 7,6 x 10^-11 g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) --
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 180°C) --
temperature Siloxane °C
SER 23°C 5,0 x10^-10 g/m²s
SER 180°C 8,5 x 10^-9 g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) --
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 180°C) --
temperature Phthalate °C
SER 23°C < 1,3 x10^-11 g/m²s
SER 180°C < 7,6 x 10^-11 g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) --
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 180°C) --