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Forbo-Novilon B.V.
De Holwert 12
7741 KC Coevorden

Contact Person

Jan Jeuring
Phone +31 524 596919
Email jan.jeuring@forbo.com

Test Object

Sphera EC/SD lacquer
Color: 550000; Manufacturing date: 2/26/2020
Surface: smooth
Q-Id FO 2004-1170
Year 2020
Category Materials

Tests And Results

Subject of Test Parameter Assessment for / Results Documents
(valid to)
Chemical resistance (VDI 2083 part 17) immersion method (ISO 2812-1)
Formalin 37% / 0 (excellent)
Ammoniac 25% / 2 (good)
Hydrogen peroxide 30% / 0 (excellent)
Sulphuric acid 5% / 0 (excellent)
Phosphoric acid 30% / 0 (excellent)
Peracetic acid 15% / 5 (none)
Hydrochloric acid 5% / 2 (good)
Isopropanol 100% / 0 (excellent)
Sodium hydroxide 5% / 2 (good)
Sodium hypochlorite 5% / 0 (excellent)
certificate 1 en
QLogo 1 en
QLogo 2 en
statement 1 en
Biological resistance (ISO 846) method A (fungi): 1 (very good)
method C (bacteria): 0 (excellent)
ISO 846 / overall result (CSM classification): 1 (very good)
certificate 1 en
QLogo 1 en
QLogo 2 en
statement 1 en
Microbicidity (ISO 22196) Reduction factor of s. aureus: 0
Reduction factor of e. coli: 0.6
ISO 22196 / overall result (CSM classification): <90% (insufficient)
certificate 1 en
QLogo 1 en
QLogo 2 en
statement 1 en