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Oki Electric Cable Co.,Ltd.
2-12-8, Shimokodanaka, Kawasaki-shi
211-8585 Nakahara-ku, kanagawa-ken

Contact Person

Masanao Aoki
Phone +8144-754-4360
Email aoki873@oki.com

Test Object

manufacturing date: 6/28/2021
color: black
Q-Id OK 2112-1282
Year 2022
Category Cable Systems

Tests And Results

Subject of Test Parameter Assessment for / Results Documents
(valid to)
Particel emission (ISO 14644 part 14) energy chain: Igus E61.29.02.150
bending radius: r = 150 mm
stroke length: s = 820 mm
velocity: v = 0.5 m/s
acceleration: a = 1.0 m/s²
ISO 14644-1 / ISO Class 1
certificate 1 en
statement 1 en
energy chain: Igus E61.29.02.150
bending radius: r = 150 mm
stroke length: s = 820 mm
velocity: v = 1.0 m/s
acceleration: a = 2.0 m/s²
ISO 14644-1 / ISO Class 1
energy chain: Igus E61.29.02.150
bending radius: r = 150 mm
stroke length: s = 820 mm
velocity: v = 2.0 m/s
acceleration: a = 4.0 m/s²
ISO 14644-1 / ISO Class 1