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Remmers GmbH
Bernhard-Remmers-Strasse 13
49624 Löningen

Contact Person

Dennis Kreienbrink
Phone +49 54 32 83 16 3
Email dkreienbrink@remmers.de

Test Object

Epoxy OS Color
manufacturing date (particle emission): 9/28/2023; manufacturing date (outgassing): 4/10/2023
Charge number: 0030786759 (A-Kp.), 0030689497 (B-Kp.)
Q-Id RE 2310-1468
Year 2023
Comments color: light gray
Category Coatings

Tests And Results

Subject of Test Parameter Assessment for / Results Documents
(valid to)
Particle emission (VDI 2083 part 17) reel-on-disc test:
counter specimen: PA6
single measuring track: 250 mm
velocity: 150 mm/s
normal force: 300 N
ISO 14644-1 / ISO Class 1
certificate 1 en
statement 1 en
Outgassing (VDI 2083 part 17) Contaminant category (x): VOC
SER 23°C 3.9 x 10^-7 g/m²s
SER 90°C >> 2.2 x 10^-4 g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) -6.4
certificate 1 en
statement 1 en
Contaminant category (x): SVOC
SER 23°C < 2.8 x 10^-10 g/m²s
SER 90°C Due to overload of the analytical system no quantitative result can be reported g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) < -9.6
Contaminant category (x): Amines
SER 23°C < 2.8 x 10^-10 g/m²s
SER 90°C Due to overload of the analytical system no quantitative result can be reported g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) --
Contaminant category (x): Organophosphates
SER 23°C < 2.8 x 10^-10 g/m²s
SER 90°C Due to overload of the analytical system no quantitative result can be reported g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) --
Contaminant category (x): Siloxanes
SER 23°C < 2.8 x 10^-10 g/m²s
SER 90°C Due to overload of the analytical system no quantitative result can be reported g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) --
Contaminant category (x): Phthalates
SER 23°C < 2.8 x 10^-10 g/m²s
SER 90°C Due to overload of the analytical system no quantitative result can be reported g/m²s
ISO-ACCm Class (x) / (based on 23°C) --